
Showing posts from November, 2022

Time Has Come

Case packed but there's no flight Since being diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer on April 13 this year my family & I have really been through a mixture of emotions. There's certainly been plenty of lows and there has been a few highs. Once the initial shock of hearing i have cancer had settled in I wanted to share my journey in hope it will show what one person goes through and get the message out about the symptoms of this deadly disease. I wanted to show Bowel Cancer is not restricted to older persons as some in the medical world still believe.  I am the youngest of 7 siblings, I was a marathon runner, relatively fit and was in good shape, I managed a cash and carry centre worked really hard, so why did I get Cancer? Why did it choose me? questions I have asked myself many many times, its only when going through this process you realise Cancer does not discriminate. Its aggressive in its attack on your body and therefore the treatment has to be just as aggressive if not ...

A date for your Diary

I can see an end in sight.  204 days ago my life was turned upside down and inside out as was my entire family. In April this year I was told after an endoscopy I had Cancer,  we later found out that it is at Stage3 Bowel Cancer, this has left our family, friends and colleagues totally deverstated, for the last 7 years I have been supporting various charities raising funds for various good causes through running. I started running 5k jumped to 10ks then completed over 20 half marathons and completed 5 full Marathons. I felt fitter than ever, happy to be alive. Enjoying my work and my life in general, we just had a new grandson life couldn't have been more happier. Then with a blink one day in April it all seemed to be taken from me "You Have Cancer Paul" words I never want repeated. YOU have all lived with this cancer with me directly or through my blog which has been read in total so far 1654 times. Now I'm pleased to announce an end is most definitely in sight. As f...